Domestos Bleach Detergents

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    Jan 8, 2025
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    Want to know where to buy domestos bleach in Ghana? Want to know domestos bleach price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

    There’s no question that Domestos can kill all known germs but how? We know it’s a thick bleach but how does it work? And what does Domestos do to help you in your fight against germs in your toilet? Arm yourself with bleach facts and find out why Domestos is the ultimate germ-killing weapon.

    What are Domestos’ uses?
    Domestos is the world’s number one disinfectant designed to kill germs and bacteria in high traffic areas such as the kitchen and bathroom.

    The most common types of bacteria found in any bathroom are Bacteroidaceae (or bacteria from poo), E.coli, streptococcus, and salmonella. These aren’t always the harmful strains of the bacteria but using Domestos Extended Power bleach in the bathroom will eradicate any threat to your family from bacteria in the toilet and is a great solution if you’re wondering how to prevent bacteria and germs from spreading in the toilet.

    Similarly, diluted Domestos can be used to sanitise floors and bins in areas such as the kitchen – helping you to learn how to prevent bacteria and germs from spreading in the kitchen.

    What does Domestos do?
    Domestos contains chemicals called oxidative agents. When these agents come into contact with germs or stains, they cause oxidation which kills germs.

    What are Domestos’ ingredients?
    The ingredients label on a bottle of Domestos can be confusing. Let’s demystify them:

    Sodium Hypochlorite: a chemical compound based on salt – this is the active ingredient in bleach.

    Surfactants: allow liquids, solids, and gases to move more freely with each other.

    Perfume: the scent makes your bathroom smell fresh after using Domestos.

    Does Domestos kill germs?
    Does Domestos kill bacteria? And does Domestos kill viruses? Yes on both counts – no ifs, no buts.

    Domestos Extended Power bleach is the ultimate weapon in the war against germs as it gets rid of 99.9% of all known germs in the toilet.

    How does Domestos kill bacteria?
    So how does Domestos kill bacteria? How does Domestos work?

    It’s all down to a powerful chemical reaction. The sodium hypochlorite in Domestos bleach oxidises molecules in the cells of the germs it meets. This process eradicates bacteria and viruses to protect you from illness spread via toilets.

    Where can Domestos be used when preventing germs at home?
    Domestos bleach can be used all around the home, just make sure that you follow the instructions on the bottle. It is a versatile line of products that can be used on a surprising number of surfaces to keep you and your family safe against illness. So whether you’re looking to get rids of germs in the kitchen or bacteria in the toilet, Domestos is your number one friend.

    What about Sustainability?
    Bleach almost entirely disintegrates into salt and water.

    Domestos bleach is a thick, easy-to-use product that kills all known germs dead – even in the nastiest of places. Using Domestos to clean is simple and it gives complete reassurance that the threat has been dealt with. Domestos can protect your family against germs and bacteria.

    So, whether you’re fighting bacteria in the kitchen or germs in the toilet, there are many great Domestos uses when preventing germs at home.

    See other detergents right here on!



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